Register Today:
Kuk Sool Won
Aderholt Fitness Center.
When and where?
The class is held at the Aderholt Fitness Center, Kids 5:15-6pm and Adults 6-7pm on Monday and Wednesday. Friday is reserved for testing and/or makeup classes, some makeup classes are held on Saturday. Please contact Master Garcia at amadogarcia71@yahoo.com by calling 407-443-3387 to schedule your first introductory training session TODAY!
You are welcome to watch a training session first and then participate in a complimentary introductory class. If you wish to participate, please wear loose comfortable clothing (sweatpants and a t-shirt are preferred) and feel free to ask any of the Black Belts about any questions you may have.
Even though there will be only a few classes a week, it is also up to you to review the material you learned in class and, of course, to practice!
Just as the Kuk Sool Won mantra states "We need more practice!" this applies to everyone from white belt to black belt.
Copyright © 2015 Kuk Sool Won of Hurlburt Field, FL
All Rights Reserved.